Summary of Chris Voss’s Masterclass on The Art of Negotiation

Masterclass Notes
6 min readMay 20, 2021

26 key takeaways from a former lead FBI hostage negotiator
  1. The person across the table is not the adversary, the situation is the adversary. The stereotype is that the loudest and most aggressive jerk is the one that takes it all, but this is not true. Remember, the person you’re negotiating with is just another human being struggling with some aspect of the same problem as you are.
  2. Great negotiation is about great collaboration. The aim isn’t I win you lose. The aim is to work with the person across the table to solve the problem together, so that you’re both better off. The key to better collaboration is knowing the laws of human nature.
  3. First understand the other person’s rules, and demonstrate that you respect them. It doesn’t mean you have to adopt their rules, but you have to show that you’re willing and capable of seeing things from their point of view.
  4. Look deeper to discover what really is the commodity at stake. Don’t just look at the surface of the other person’s actions, read the meaning behind them. Seemingly small anomalies can give you big clues. What they want may be something intangible, such as recognition of their authority, rather than the actual items being negotiated for.
  5. Do not argue predictably. Instead, present…

